Nanoose Community Services is a registered charity located in Nanoose Bay. They provide support to individuals and families facing economic adversities, through their four programs: Food Program, Emergency Services, Elf Program and Education.
Unfortunately, in Nanoose Bay there is a lack of access to locally grown produce for those in need. As a result, the local farmers are throwing away healthy produce because they are growing more than what they can sell.
To provide Nanoose Community Services with the necessary funding to purchase safe and efficient transportation and distribution materials like, Rubbermaid totes and a market pop-up tent. This will allow Nanoose and their volunteers to benefit from their partnership with local farmers and thus be able to distribute healthy fresh produce to low-income individuals, families and seniors.
Brighter Together will provide the funds to support the costs of the materials. This will ensure an efficient continued operation with their distribution of local produce to affected individuals and families in Nanoose Bay.
Brighter Together is committed to maintaining transparency. Jointly with Bright Immigration, we will fund the following costs:
Cost Breakdown:
Funds to be raised:
The total funds will be donated by Brighter Together and Bright Immigration. We ensure that 100% of the funds donated will be allocated towards this project along with any transactions fees.